
Our Australian Credit Licence issued by ASIC is 384489

$ At barrett lending solutions, we are intent on helping you to take the confusion out of finding the right home loan , investment loan or reverse mortgage to suit your needs. In other words we make the whole loan searching and application process as easy as possible.

Here are just some things where we can help through our 40 lenders:

$ No postcode restrictions

$ 3 months casual employment OK.

$ Probation - not a problem.

$ Up to 125 acres at residential rates.

$ 4 units on one title .

$ Medical professional package - borrow up to 90% LVR with no LMI !

$ Simply click on the image that relates to your requirements and find the information that you are looking for. You may need to scroll down

We provide a Free Service$ Our service is free. No brokerage charges what so ever.
$ Being accredited with over 40 lenders means - we'll find you a loan that suits your needs.

$ For reasons why we think you should choose us - click here.

$ Remember - once your loan is approved we believe it marks the start of our relationship. We always remain available to assist you with any subsequent loan requirements or loan changes that inevitably occur over time. It's ongoing care and service.

$ Our aim - "making it happen" for you.



10 Tips to a better loan decision





Barrett Lending Solutions